Decisions 2016
- It was unanimously decided to include in the key rings of each building a key of the respective bathroom.
- It was unanimously decided to hire the company that provides external cleaning services in Taguspark, to start providing a similar service on campus.
- It was unanimously decided to open the bathroom next to the Department of Mathematics during the weekends.
- It was unanimously decided that examinations on Saturday should not extend beyond 1:00 p.m.
- It was unanimously decided that the regulations for the assignment of vacancies to students in the Master’s Rooms will be modified in order to make explicit the specificity of some rooms.
- It was unanimously decided to elaborate the regulations for the allocation of vacancies to students in the Master’s Rooms.
- It was unanimously decided to extend the regulations of the use of the bathrooms on weekends to the evenings of working days, i.e. only those on the ground floor remain open.
- It was unanimously decided that the filming on campus by University Lusófona be exempt from payment, in exchange for a course for students about video production.
- It was unanimously decided that GASTagus will have to leave the room they currently occupy at Taguspark campus, and that the activities they carry out involving IST students will have to be included in LAGE.
- It was unanimously decided that the hierarchy of approval / commitment of expenditure will follow the staff assessment format.
- It was unanimously decided to approve the distribution of hourly credits to be attributed to the members of the Management Committee in the current semester.
- It was unanimously decided to approve Science4You’s proposal to use the campus at weekends to carry out activities.
- It was unanimously decided that a company, working for Microsoft, is authorized to take photographs of the Library.
- It was unanimously decided that the clarification of doubts should be made by professors in their respective support schedule and not by students in study sessions.
- It was unanimously decided that from the next semester, a time slot will be created where there are no classes, if not common to all students, at least common among undergraduates and masters.
- It was unanimously decided that an e-mail reflector will be created for Taguspark campus professor.
- It was unanimously decided that the Taguspark campus events will be scheduled in order to match as little as possible with the classes of the target students.
- It was unanimously decided that TMIST may place an exhibitor to expose the prizes won, at the lobby in front of the medical station.
- It was unanimously decided that the increase of tables at the Library should only take place during the exams period.
- It was unanimously decided that it won’t be made a nominal access control to the Library.
- It was unanimously decided that the Library will be closed in August.
- It was unanimously decided not to respond positively to José Alves Marques’ request to increase the number of classrooms with video conference equipment.
- It was unanimously decided to increase the library’s capacity for students during the exams period.
- The list of hourly credits corresponding to the members of the Management Committee has been unanimously decided to be sent to the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council.
- It was unanimously decided that the expenses processing will be done in such a way that the member of the Management Committee in charge of the area approves, and Luís Correia authorizes.
- It was unanimously decided that the staff assessment within the scope of SIADAP will be done by the member of the Management Committee in charge of the area and then Luís Correia will later harmonize.